deno Traversing Deno Land - Building a URL Shortener Should you use Deno? This very informative post explains my opinions on Deno in its current stage. The opinion is based on building a URL shortener using Deno
Visual Guide to solve a Game of Sudoku I enjoy solving Sudoku Puzzles. To an extent where some would call it an obsession. For the non - Sudoku - aficionados : Sudoku is a number based logic game invented
openapi Separation of Service Interfaces from it's implementation My career in IT started with Microsoft .NET technologies. And over time, my observation was that technologies provided by Microsoft under the developer umbrella were stream lined, well integrated, tested
So you have your website deployed in PROD ... now what ?? Posting on behalf of Usr.Web.Speed - My previous job had been to architect and develop websites for various customers. During that time my team and I have architected
Allow powershell scripts to be executed from remote machine To allow remote machines to execute PowerShell scripts on your machine, the Windows firewall should not block port numbers 5985,5986. You can open up the ports by following the instructions at or using the following PowerShell
Changing JAVA_HOME on a HDP 1.1 Hadoop on Windows Setup We were setting up a small cluster of Hadoop for some requirements, and decided to go with the HortonWorks release of Hadoop. (HDP 1.1 for Windows []). After installing, we realized that for some reason the Oozie service was
Interesting - a new data storage technology Snip from “entirely new type of data storage using magnetic nanowires”
And my world stops rotating I enjoyed using the site…. pity I will not be using it anymore. Just read about what happened, after my friend told me. And did he have that stupid grin on his face (the one which says “I told you so”). Had painstakingly collected
Plans for this weekend Planning to read “The Green Tourmaline Adventure”, (
A thought Knowing technology is inconsequential. Knowing what to do is the problem!!!! - Sachin Nayak, 2009
A neat quote "We are all subjects to the fates. But we must all act as if we are not," said the witch, "or die of despair". -- An excellent snip from the book "Northern Lights" by Philip Pullman
Algo for getting the number of days in a month I can’t speak about what I do in office. (ok, not yet). But I need to write something. So here goes: A “small” / compact algo to retrieve number of days in a month. Don’t ask me it s efficiency (modulus is never
A different side of Warren Buffet - An article There are some articles which I usually skim thru, and read only the interesting parts. But here is an article which is not only well written, but also indicates that there are things other than money to think about. Do read this: http://www.
Here s an old one Some years back we found a flash video known as EPIC 2014. After a real long time I again decided to watch that all over. In case you have not seen, see : Also they have a sequel with some
AI - My Thoughts - 2 So one of the points I pointed in the previous post was “We need a single point of entry for all the data which is flowing from you to the outside world”. Consider Google, which provides the following - they have a Orkut, social
AI - My High ;) thoughts - 1 A few of us regularly have these arguments (which of course ends up with physical damage to various human bodies), about artificial intelligence. As to whether any computer will ever beat the “Turing test [
Google Chrome - Wow!!!! Tried out Google chrome…. And my only response is, I am addicted!!!! I had started off expecting that I won’t stick to it for long, considering that I am pretty happy with FF3. But after using Google Chrome, I realized the advantages of
Time to buy the Nokia 3G phone :) I still have not yet succumbed to Apple products (I still have an iRiver payer as against buying an iPod). Anyway, i was searching for a Nokia N82, and found it to be costly, even now…. Had expected the prices to come down when
Neat wallpaper best_firefox_wallpaper [] Originally uploaded by prashantvictory []Found this neat wallpaper. Wonder whether it is a genuine firefox wallpaper
The legend that it was.... the RD350 An excerpt: “The RD350 by Yamaha was the premier sport lightweight of the early 1970s. Ahead of its time, it featured an air-cooled, two-cylinder, six-speed, 350cc two-stroke engine. The bike made about 32 to 35 rear-wheel horsepower, very fast for when it was made.
Information Overload - A parallel So many feeds, so many blogs, so many web sites. And what do I face???? … an information overload!!!! Trying to find out how to clean up the clutter, I came up with many suggested solutions. (Eg. Meme s, follow/track using twitter, Yahoo! Pipes,
And what is it that i miss in India F22 - Raptor Front Shot [] Originally uploaded by P.Sachin.Nayak []This bird is known as the F22, also nick named Raptor. It is one among the most stealthiest, and during
Quits!!!! Guys, I have finally decided to quit Infy... Instead I have decided to do something really worthwile such as maybe stealing money from some financial union. And what made me take this drastic decision? This video: Man…
Kerala - Chilkot lake - A photo Chilkot lake [] Originally uploaded by P.Sachin.Nayak []This place reminded me of a fairy tale kind of land. You know... those which are shown in movies, to bring out the